Wednesday 27 May 2015

DIY: Washday

*cleans cobwebs* I'm sooooooooo sorry Ive being MIA in the recent past. Please forgive me...for those that showed concern, God bless you guys, you motivate me a whole lot.  So, I have a lot in stock for you guys and I've just been so confused on which to post before the other but let's  talk about the typical washday. I feel like we spend a lot to maintain our hair when some natural products with loads of benefits that are inexpensive are around us. I am a student hence the need to be economical so, I hope this post is useful for people who may be too busy and dont know when they run out of some of their hair products or are just being conscious of their pockets.
This may not be as typical because people's regimen differ from the simple to the complicated. So, there's a slight twist to this, I'll be talking about my recent wash day with mostly natural products. I love natural products because they have a whole lot of benefits, hardly any side effects, irritations or reactions, they are easy to get...from your kitchen to your local market and the best part; they are cheap. Great deal yeah?  So...let's see how this goes. It's a long post and I hope I don't bore you

Prepoo: for my prepoo,  I used a mixture of honey and palm oil. I decided to use this mixture because of the amazing benefits of the product. They both help with moisture retention which I think every naturalista wants, they help add sheen to the hair, helps provide a solution to brittle and dry hair and even help to retain the natural oils of your hair. prepoo is a very important step because while shampooing your hair, your hair is stripped of its natural oils which can result to brittle and dry hair. This is NOT good for your hair.
Here's apicture of the palm oil and honey just before I mixed it...sorry for the poor picture quality. I assure you it will be fixed by the next post. I worked the mixture from the tip of my hair to the need to make sure the product circulates so you can get as much results. Afterwards, I covered my hair with a shower cap and let it sit for about 45 minutes. Just make sure you don't leave it for less than 30 minutes on your hair so the products can penetrative and work their magic on your hair. After this, I rinsed my hair and I was ready to shampoo it.

Shampooing: you wouldn't believe what weird product I used...unrefined black soap. When my friend saw this with me, she had this really weird look on her face and she's this girl shaaaa...haha, my mom's friend literally called me a native doctor too. I just decided I wanted to try something different and so I got this from the local market during my last visit to Ibadan. So that's how I decided to use this instead of my shampoo. This is what it looks like
I love the fact that the lather is rich and I didn't need to wash my hair more than two times considering the oil I used in my prepoo. Well, I love unrefined products, they are affordable and, we all know how expensive it is to maintain your natural hair in this vain world so, the cheaper the better *winks*. I rinsed my hair with warm water after shampooing...its advisable to rinse with warm water. Sooooooo, moving on

Conditioning: this was literally the best part of the whole process for me...guess why? Just read on. In a bid to continue the diy thingy, I used a blend of natural products to condition my hair. I used:
1. Avocado pear
2. Egg white (the albumen)
3. Aloe vera gel 
These are the raw products.
I destoned the avocado (cut the avocado into two equal halves...halfway still, I mean, I stopped when I reached the stone and I parted it to remove the stone. That's pretty much what it means to destone an avocado. Some call it stoning as in...stone an avocado) then i used a spoon to scoop the amount I needed. I Then used a knife to peel off the top skin of the aloe vera and with a spoon, I scooped out the gel too. afterwards,  I broke a little part of the egg so twould be easy for me together the albumen without the yolk coming out too. Hence, this
So, onto the next level, I blended the products without water until it formed a smooth yummy paste.
So, I divided my hair into four sections and applied this into my hair working it from the tip to the roots. This smells so divine and I literally didn't want to rinse my hair. I  even slept off while waiting for the right time to rinse it...hehe. After applying this to each section,  I braided the sections...I hope that's the right thing to say sha. So, I set out to leave this in for 1 hour but I slept off ( don't worry about my bed sheet,  I obviously used a shower cap)  so I think I had this in my hair for about 2 hours or so. I then rinsed it off with cold water mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar ( ACV). In other words, it was an ACV rinse. So, that's basically it. After I towel dried my hair, I used my leave in conditioner/ detangler which I've shown you before, I then moisturised my hair with coconut oil and shea butter, and braided it yet again to dry and stretch. I didn't get so much of a stretch...iono why  but this is what my hait looked like the next day when  I was going out
I love me some bun for days. i hope this was helpful. Thanks a lot for sticking with me. I'd really love to know what you feel about this post and the blog in general, im open to new ideas and I hope this was helpful. See you in my next post.
Lipstick and kisses,

Ps: use what you have to get what you want